We can get you
ANY car from auction.
Just give us year, make, model, preferred mileage and your price range.
- Cash only for “Direct Buy” using the car search process. All cars are sold “AS IS” unless you purchase a warranty.
- Tell us the year, make, model, preferred mileage, and the maximum purchase price. Then we will find you one car of your choice. This allows you to see how the process works.
- If you want to continue, the search fee is $125 for 7 days of car searching. Through email, we will give you many cars to choose from (approximately 5 to 10, or more if needed). At this point you can choose a car to buy, or continue searching and pay $75 for an additional week.
- You can get a maximum of 14 days of searching; then you must decide on a car to buy
- Search fee counts towards the purchase of the car
- Search fees are non refundable
- Once you choose a car, pay the deposit (which is nonrefundable) and we’ll transport it to our dealership. Deposits range from $3000 to $7000 depending on the total price of the car you choose.
- You’ll be notified when the car is ready for you to view.
- We will inspect the car for you and you can bring your own representative to inspect
- You can decide to reject the car, but the Deposit is Non Refundable
- Pay the remaining balance, and we will complete all transactions here at our dealership and issue you Ga temporary tags and have the title and license plates mailed to your home.